All systems operational
Status of services hosted or provided by SerNet GmbH.
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Customer facing services provided by SerNet GmbH.
90 days ago % Uptime Today Operational
SerNet`s public web presence.
90 days ago % Uptime Today Operational
Services for - the open source cloud based ISMS tool.
90 days ago % Uptime Today
Web UI Operational
The verinice.veo web user interface.
90 days ago % Uptime Today
Core API Operational
The core API used for read- and write-access to all business objects.
90 days ago % Uptime Today
Forms API Operational
API for the dynamic UI forms of verinice.veo
90 days ago % Uptime Today
History API Operational
API for full history and audit trail of all changes made by users.
90 days ago % Uptime Today
Reporting API Operational
API for report templates and report generation.
90 days ago % Uptime Today
Accounts API Operational
API to create and modify application user accounts.
90 days ago % Uptime Today
Authentication Server Operational
Keycloak authentication server for all verinice services.
90 days ago % Uptime Today
Shop / Subscription Service Operational
The shop system and user subscription service.
90 days ago % Uptime Today
% Uptime
90 days ago Today
Incident & maintenance history
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